Jeremy Halek
Manchester, Connecticut, he connects clients with mental health and substance abuse disorders with resources they need to assist them in their recovery and improve their lives. Katie is a Job Coach and works with adults with developmental disabilities. Jeremy and Katie are both volunteers for Special Olympics Connecticut and Jeremy are a member of the Windsor Exchange Club. The club’s focus is to improve the lives of children in our community.
Jeremy says that he made the decision to run for the Board of Education because “I want to help pave the way in providing children with an education suitable to obtain the jobs of today and tomorrow, by building up their professional and vocational skills. Together with local business’ we can give our children the opportunity to stay in Windsor upon graduation, assisting both our children as well as local business in an ever changing economy.”
“The people of Windsor made me feel I was part of their family from the day I moved here. I am honored to be a part of our diverse community and would be honored to serve our town on the Board of Education.”
Jeremy says that he made the decision to run for the Board of Education because “I want to help pave the way in providing children with an education suitable to obtain the jobs of today and tomorrow, by building up their professional and vocational skills. Together with local business’ we can give our children the opportunity to stay in Windsor upon graduation, assisting both our children as well as local business in an ever changing economy.”
“The people of Windsor made me feel I was part of their family from the day I moved here. I am honored to be a part of our diverse community and would be honored to serve our town on the Board of Education.”
Paid for by the Windsor Republican Town Committee
James Durant, Treasurer
James Durant, Treasurer